3rd International Congress and Exhibition
Türkiye & Black Sea Oil and Gas

11-12 December, 2024 Istanbul, Türkiye

Welcome speech by the Secretary of State of the Energy Ministry, Romania
Welcome speech by the Head of Department of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Republic of Türkiye

About the Congress


3rd International Congress and Exhibition Türkiye & Black Sea Oil and Gas is an international, professional platform, bringing together over 200 C-suite executives from vertically integrated oil companies, general directors, CTOs of oil refineries, gas processing plants and petrochemical facilities, initiators of investment projects on oil and gas extraction from Türkiye and countries of the Black Sea area, officials of regulatory authorities, licensors of production technologies and world suppliers for the industry. The event enables to establish dialogue, share experience, search for solutions, and consolidate the efforts of business and government for efficient development of key O&G projects in Türkiye and the Black Sea area, including the projects for construction of processing facilities.

Among the speakers and VIP guests 2023

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Vice President

Turkish Petroleum

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Head of Department

Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Republic of Türkiye

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Head of Department

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Directorate-General of Infrastructure Investments

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General Manager

Marsa Turkey B.V. Ankara Branch

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General Manager & Board Member

Calik Petrol Arama Uretim A.S.

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Chairman & CEO

Petrogas oil & gas exploration and production

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General Director

Shareholder, Kura Basin Operating Company

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Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation

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Güney Yıldızı Petrol

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Executive Officer


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Vice President


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Subsurface Manager

Block Energy

Among the confirmed participants 2023

Join Us!

11-12 December, 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye

Major Investment Projects

Congress Highlights


200+ participants – commercial and technical top managers of key companies in the O&G sector of Türkiye and the Black Sea countries, as well as representatives of regulatory authorities, technological and engineering companies


15+ upstream, midstream and downstream O&G investment projects under planning, construction, expansion and modernisation in the Black Sea


50+ industry leaders and experts will discuss the main challenges impacting the O&G industry development in Türkiye and the Black Sea countries


Session in focus: oil and gas industry in the Black Sea: growth strategies and global challenges


Innovative breakthroughs and equipment to operate oil and gas facilities


New! Offshore platforms, LNG terminals and pipelines: boosting productivity of offshore gas fields exploration in Türkiye and Black Sea countries


Important! Optimising processes in the oil and gas industry: transportation infrastructure, diversification of feedstock, uninterrupted supply and safe storage of hydrocarbons


Oil and gas processing and petrochemicals – development trends in the Black Sea region


Hot! Effective management and modern risk management strategies in projects for construction, modernisation, and expansion of oil and gas assets


Development and operation of oil and gas fields


30+ hours of business and informal networking. Prescheduled one-to-one meetings, welcome cocktail, business lunches, coffee breaks, interactive discussions, and a lot more

Analytical materials


Overview of the industry status and prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region

Investment Projects

Major investment projects of the oil and gas industry in the region

Facts and Figures

Facts and figures of the industry, congress programme highlights, and a lot more about the congress

Sponsors and Partners 2023

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsor:

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